Monday 10 January 2011

Planning Notes


Aimie: Survivor
Regdeep: Victim
Jemma: Murder
Liam: Camera man


Fake blood.
Background music.

Filming dates:

Wednesday 15th December 2010
Wednesday 12th January 2011


Aimie’s house
Road outside ( Kenneth Road)

Title: The Ultimate Payback  


Aimie: Avrage everyday clothes 
Regdeep: black clothes (to represant death)
Jemma wearing red clothes (to represent danger)
Justin: normal outdoor clothing.

Shooting script

Establishing shot of Kenneth road. Jemma is seen looking across at Aimie’s house. Cut to a shot of Regdeep and Aimie in Aimie’s bedroom.

Regdeep says: I still owe Jemma the money for the ‘stuff’

(Conversation shown through mid shot)

Aimie: don’t worry Jemma aint nothing to be scared of

(flash back of Regdeep buying drugs of Jemma and Jemma threatning Regdeep)
(Cut to a 2 shot of the conversation)

Regdeep: true

Then the camera cuts back to Jemma who is still outside looking for a way in the house, this is shown through a POV from Jemma and a long shot of the house.

Mid shot of Justin who shouts up the stairs to Aimie

Justin: im going out .

(Cut to a 2 shot of Aimie and Regdeep)

Aimie: alright im going out so take a key

Long shot of Justin walking towards the door (the camera) then a shot of Justin walking away without having shut the door properly. There is background music as this is something significant which has happened.

Cut back to an over the shoulder shot of Jemma walking towards the house as Justinn walks away.

Mid shot of Jemma walking into the house, the cut back to pov as she enters the house.

Close up of Jemma hand pushing the door, and pov of Jemma looking in the house and up the stairs.

(Cut back to Aimie and Regdeep)

Regdeep: hurry up Aimie we have to meet the others soon

Aimie: ok, let me just get my jacket.

Cut back to Jemma pulling out a knife from her sleave and making her way up the stairs. As she is walking up the stairs there is a close up shot of her gripping the knife in her hand. Then again a POV shot as she gets up the stairs along with a varity of mid shots and close up shots of Jemma and her feet going up the stairs.
Over the shoulder shot of Jemma as she walks to the bedroom door. The music getting louder as Regdeep and Aimie unawearly get ready to leave.

Cut back to the girls in the room with an over the shoulder of Aimie talking to Regdeep when the door opens behind her and Jemma appears.

Pov from Jemma looking over the shoulder of Regdeep and can see Aimie.

Aimie: Regdeep move! (Shouting)

Cut to a Pov of Aimie watching Jemma put the knife to Regdeep neck and then a close up of the knife slicing across Regdeep's neck  and then a high angle shot of Regdeep falling to the floor. The music is at full impact.


Aimie and Regdeep are at Aimie’s house getting ready for a night out when Jemma is seen from outside looking in on the 2 girls, this is because Regdeep had drugs off Jemma and has not paid up. The two girls are un-aware of this and that Jemma has a gun.

Justin (Aimie’s brother) shouts up to Aimie and says “I’m going out”. Aimie says “ok” and Justin runs out leaving the door open as he is in a rush to meet his friends.

Jemma sees this and uses it as her attempt to get into the house. She walks closer to the house while the girls are still upstairs getting ready and are unaware of her presents. She makes her way into the house, and quietly and gently closes the door behind her.

Then we cut back to the girls who are talking about the night out completely unaware of Jemma.

Then there are a series of shots as Jemma makes her way up the stairs and grips the gun. She then makes her way to the room and shots are used for effect of the gun being put to Regdeep head. The trigger is pulled and the screen goes black with a loud scream from Aimie.